We Need To Talk About benson boone
The 20-year-old’s gentle reign on the music industry has begun.
Words by Dio Anthony
2021 would be the year that 20-year-old Benson Boone’s life would change and change for good. After a brief but memorable stint on everyone’s favorite competition show—American Idol. Boone or “Benny” as those close to him call him, would depart as a contestant on ‘Idol’ and set out on his own path.
Just two short years later, the Washington native is signed with Night Street & Warner Records and has very recently released his EP titled ‘Pulse’.
Boone is passionate about his music, the work it takes to get it out in the world, and hungry for collaboration. As he gets closer to dominating the airwaves with his voice, American Studies sits down to get to know him in real life first.
What is your nickname? Benny
Do you have Brothers and sisters?
I have 4 sisters. 2 older and 2 younger.
What were your favorite subjects in school? Lunch and English
At what age did you pick up your first instrument? 12, the piano
What instrument do you play now? The Piano
Who are your top 3 favorite musical performers? Jon Bellion, Lewis Capaldi, and Ed Sheeran
What’re your favorite Foods?
1. My mom’s lasagna
2. Corn dogs
3. Burgers
4. Chicken burgers
5. Thai food
What are your favorite Drinks?
1. Red Bull
2. Water
3. Milk
4. Capri-Sun
Martine Rose shirt
What are some of your hobbies outside of making music?
1. Skiing
2. Snowboarding
3. Rock climbing
4. Cliff jumping
5. Scootering
6. Mountain biking
7. Scuba diving
8. Roller blading
9. Parkour/free running
10. Drawing/painting
11. Traveling
What’re some of your favorite possesions?
1. Every pair of Vans that I own
2. My Toyota Tacoma
What is a favorite memory of yours if you don’t mind sharing?
One of my favorite memories on this earth is of me and my best friend Eric sailing one of the biggest lakes in Washington. We built a catamaran out of two canoe’s, some PVC pipe and non-tearable paper from Lowe’s and set off for a week to sail a 22 mile long lake there and back (making the trip 44 miles long). We did so much exploring and cliff jumping and fishing I will always remember the incredible times we had on that trip.
TALENT’S OWN necklace
What are your dislikes?
People being fake. Just be real.
What would you say are your best qualities?
My ability to laugh with anyone and my personality.
Tell me about this upcoming EP and the thoughts that went into making it.
Pulse is a big body of work that shows the style of music I have been dipping my toes into recently. I’m very proud of these songs, and they reflect the emotions I’ve felt over the past couple months.
MARNI X CARHARTT top & pants, ALYX STUDIOS sneakers
What’s the creative process like for you from idea to finished product?
1. Sit down on the piano and find chords I like
2. Hum random melodies to those random chords
3. Put two and two together and add lyrics
4. Start playing with production
5. Record vocals
Growing up at home, what was your family’s relationship to music?
Growing up, the most music I listened to was released between the 50’s and 80’s. We would have family dinner every night and afterwards would clean up the kitchen and listen to old music and dance around. That was where almost all of my musical background came from.
Listen to Benson’s EP ‘Pulse’.
Photographed by Joseph Krauss, Styled by Charlie Ward, Grooming by Colby Smith, Text by Dio Anthony