Casey Likes: A New Original
Make way for a new original.
Words by Dio Anthony
In the captivating realm of Broadway, where talent shines as brightly as the marquee lights, one name stands out among the stars – Casey Likes. A luminary actor with an extraordinary ability to breathe life into characters, Likes has graced the iconic stages of Broadway with a magnetic stage presence and unparalleled versatility. From his debut performances that left audiences spellbound to critical acclaim, Likes has seamlessly woven his way into the fabric of the Broadway tapestry, earning accolades and admiration along the way. As we delve into the multifaceted career of this theatrical virtuoso, it becomes clear that Casey Likes is not merely an actor; he is a force that elevates the magic of Broadway to new heights.
Jacket J Crew, shirt AYR, tie Brooks Brothers
Jacket J Crew, shirt AYR, tie Brooks Brothers
ANTHONY: How does it feel having your dreams come true?
LIKES: I mean, it’s all of the emotions. The feeling is of course, the highest level of happiness that I have ever felt. It’s almost euphoric. Then there’s also a level of stress to make sure that I can keep it up. To make sure that I don’t take it for granted. There’s a responsibility with every dream that comes true. I appreciate that question because I think it’s a deeper answer than just saying— it feels amazing. ‘cause it does feel amazing and it’s also important to recognize the responsibility.
ANTHONY: The last three years of your life have been extraordinary by many standards. How would you describe it?
shirt and jacket AYR, tie Pierre Cardin
LIKES: In one word? Education. Education is the word. Because I didn’t go to college. I got out of my senior year of high school when I started my last show, Almost Famous. I did several films in the meantime, followed by Back to The Future. Basically all of this has been learning on the job, and I have learned so much about not only the job, but also myself. I’ve kind of had to learn about myself through a little bit of a microscope on myself, which is good and bad. It’s just been a lot of education and I’ve learned a lot over the past little while.
ANTHONY: What are some of your prominent memories from school? What comes to mind?
shirt and jacket AYR, tie Pierre Cardin
LIKES: Prominent memories were probably performing at the talent shows and nobody knowing or caring who I was. I did the talent shows and I sang something or I played guitar or the drums. Then suddenly I was known as the kid from the talent shows.
Those were very prominent memories and it was me riding my very nerdy ego. Chasing whatever girls remembered the talent show, and chasing any bit of clout I had left from that [laugh].
Full look by Dsquared2
ANTHONY:Describe yourself in high school. In what ways are you different? In what ways would you say you’re the same?
LIKES: Very driven to do what I love and to not let anything or anyone come in the way of that. I think a difference that I have now is— and this is attributed to me just being more relaxed, but—I’m in the rooms that I want to be in. I’m able to do the thing that is my dream. I think now it’s given me the security to be able to focus a little bit more on the life aspect of that, you know? Friends and relationships and love.
shirt and jacket AYR, tie Pierre Cardin
ANTHONY:What’s one quote that you always come back to?
LIKES: I don’t know if it’s much of a quote, but it’s kind of a mentality. It sounds very dark, but I think about my final hospital bed a lot. When you’re there, when you’re in that mo- ment—what are the things that you’re going to regret not doing? It’s never the things that you regret doing, it’s always the things you regret not doing. I go to that place a lot, where I think—am I going to regret not doing this?
ANTHONY: We’re The Millers.
CASEY: I love that movie
ANTHONY: Has there been one teacher that’s been the most influential to you?
LIKES: I feel like I’d be remiss to not say my mom because she was my high school theater teacher.
ANTHONY:Wow. I had no idea.
shirt Le Tigre, headband Wilson
LIKES: It was her production of Les Mis that she directed that got me to this thing called the Jimmy Awards. And that ended up getting me my job for Almost Famous. She’s been my teacher my whole life. From the time I was born to this day.
ANTHONY:What’s it like having your mom be a teacher in your school?
shirt Le Tigre, headband Wilson
LIKES: Great. And also exactly how you would expect having your mom as your teach- er be. Not only your teacher, but teaching you the very thing that you like to do. It’s not just math or science, which I guess if you’re a scientist it would be different. But I don’t know a lot of 17 year olds who are thinking about being mathematical scientists. But I do know a lot of kids who are young actors. Those typeS of kids are always getting into passionate conversations about acting and the theater and stuff like that. We just grew closer, my mom and I. It was nice to have someone do what you do. Someone that’s family. It was really nice.
full look by Dsquared2
ANTHONY: That’s next level—she must be so proud. I mean you’re the ultimate student. She taught you and you went on to do great things with what she taught you.
LIKES: It’s funny, I don’t know another story quite like it, but I would love to to hear about it if there are more. I think it’s quite unique.
ANTHONY: Is there a tradition that you partake in with your fam- ily that’s special to your fam- ily?
CASEY: For a while growing up, we always went to this place called Barro’s Pizza, like every Friday, in my home- town of Phoenix. Going out for pizza or ordering in pizza has always been a big part of my life. I’m really close with my family, so getting to check in with them has always meant a lot to me. My great grandma is 101 years old now. My grandparents helped raise me along with my mom. A huge part of my life is my family. Getting to have weekly check-ins with them has been really special and, along with my sister once she was born.
Visor Wilson, shirt AYR
ANTHONY: Do you have a show tradition that you do for yourself? Something you make a mental note to do.
LIKES: No, not particularly. I will say that I do the stage-door consistently. Because that meant a lot to me growing up as a kid who was always at the stage doors after a show. Getting that autograph and saying hi to someone you look up to— that was al- ways important to me. So, I try to do that as much as I can. It’s been beneficial to me, I hope the kids like it as much as I do.
ANTHONY: What’s something that you would say is quintessentially Arizona?
LIKES: That’s funny. Well, my answer would probably be something different than what someone who’s not in my generation would say, or maybe someone who grew up in Ari- zona a few years ago. But I feel like the Dutch Bro’s Coffee culture is a huge thing. It’s a coffee shop—and I’ve met an ex-girlfriend there as well as had many great Going on a Dutch Bro’s run. Also in Phoenix, you just drive around the whole valley and get to see the pretty sites. There’s this sense of cama- raderie amongst young people. That feels like the scene in Arizona for young people in general. But overall, Sedona is probably the most quintessential Arizona thing—which I always suggest when people ask me where to go. I’ll likely tell them to go to Sedona— because that’s what they’re picturing.
photography by Michelle Malek, styling by Dio Anthony, grooming by Monica Alvarez