Noah Beck’s Next Act
Photography by Wojciech Christopher Nowak Styling by Cam Garcia words by Dio Anthony
Noah Beck is in the midst of a transformation. Once known as a social media sensation, the 23-year-old is now stepping into a new chapter—one that feels bigger, riskier, and more fulfilling than anything he’s done before. “I think I've just been in this era of saying yes, being curious, trying new things, and honestly, just loving it,” he says. That curiosity has led him beyond the familiar world of TikTok and into the unpredictable terrain of acting, where he’s finding creative fulfillment in collaboration, storytelling, and the thrill of the unknown.
Speaking from his hometown in Arizona, where he’s briefly paused to soak in the nostalgia of childhood places and family traditions, Noah reflects on how far he’s come and where he’s headed. There’s excitement in his voice, but also a deep sense of self-awareness—of someone who is learning, evolving, and embracing both the challenges and joys of reinvention. As he prepares for the release of his first major film, he’s not just stepping onto the screen; he’s stepping into himself. And if there’s one thing he’s sure of, it’s this: he’s all in.
Vintage Jacket by Micheal Hoban, tank top and pants by Sandro.
top by CNG
top and boxers by CNG, pants by GAP
DIO ANTHONY: What’s this chapter of your life called?
NOAH BECK: I guess you could say the past four years of my life have felt like one big era of... I don’t know, just constant change. My life kind of got flipped on its head in the best way possible because of COVID. And I think I've just been in this era of saying yes, being curious, trying new things, and honestly, just loving it. I don’t really know how else to describe it. I would say there has been a little shift in the past year.
I feel like social media hit this little—I wouldn’t call it a roadblock—but this mental point where I realized I had done just about everything I wanted to do, and then some. So, I started wondering, what can I do to keep things fresh and exciting? I kind of want to call this my “acting era,” but I don’t think that fully does it justice because there’s so much more to it. That said, acting is my main focus now. I’ve been trying to be a student of the craft—watching films, developing my own opinions, reading a ton. I’m really diving into that space. So, I guess that’s my current era—the era of learning about the craft of acting.
ANTHONY: You’re essentially transitioning into this new endeavor, which is really exciting.
BECK: That’s the goal. It’s terrifying, but it’s fun.
ANTHONY: Yeah, a good mix of both. I was wondering if I could talk to you a bit about growing up in Arizona. What was that like for you? Was it more of a typical small-town life? And what memories jump out when you think of your life in Arizona before everything changed?
BECK: It’s funny you say that. I actually just got back to Arizona—I’ve been here for the past two days visiting family for the holidays. Every time I come home, I have this feeling of grounding and normalcy because my parents have lived in the same house I grew up in for 28 years now, even before they had me. It’s home. No matter where I go in the world, coming back here is always special.
“I think I’ve just been in this era of saying yes, being curious, trying new things, and honestly, just loving it.”
Growing up in Arizona, I appreciate it more and more each time I return. The more I travel, the more I realize what I had here. And now, during the holidays, some of my hometown best friends are in town, which is great. This morning, I worked out with one of my childhood best friends, played some soccer, and then we grabbed coffee at a little shop. It’s not too different from what I do anywhere else, but here, it just feels homier. These are the places I grew up with. I’ve already been to my local theater three times in the past three days.
ANTHONY: That’s so cool. What are some quintessential Arizona things?
BECK: We have amazing hikes—you just have to be selective about when you do them. No hiking in the summer unless you want heat exhaustion. But this time of year, morning hikes are stunning. Also, Arizona has really good Mexican food. The hole-in-the-wall spots are the best. In L.A., everything feels like a scene, but here, if you find a small shack on the side of the road, it probably has the best food in town. There’s no gimmick, no fluff—just great food.
ANTHONY: That’s hilarious. Now that you’re home, are there any holiday traditions you take part in with your family?
BECK: I wouldn’t call us boring, but we’re pretty traditional. My family usually drives about 45 minutes north to visit my aunt and uncle, who have some land. We meet up with extended family, have a big potluck, and the kids ride dirt bikes while the adults eat, drink, and play games, maybe get a little drunk. It’s good fun and we always have a great time together. And apart from that, we love going to the movies. Thankfully, there are some great films out right now, so I’m excited about that.
tank top and pants by CNG
ANTHONY: That’s a great family tradition. I also read that most of your immediate family are educators. Has growing up in that environment changed your view on education?
“The biggest thing I took from that environment is curiosity—always being open to learning and never assuming you know it all.”
BECK: Absolutely. If you didn’t grow up with teachers as parents, you might assume they come home and keep teaching. But it’s actually like when chefs don’t cook at home—they turn it off. My parents emphasized the importance of education, but they weren’t constantly pushing it on us. My sisters and I were good students, and both of them actually went into teaching. The biggest thing I took from that environment is curiosity—always being open to learning and never assuming you know it all. To go into every conversation with an open mind. That mindset has really stuck with me. They’re also very, very patient.
pants by Sandro and Glasses by Tiffany & Co.
ANTHONY: I feel like as people, our lives are always changing and resetting. You're currently on the threshold of a change yourself–I'm wondering what has been the biggest change for you with this new chapter you’re living?
BECK: I wouldn’t say my lifestyle has changed drastically, but one shift I felt was in my creative fulfillment. I woke up every day on set excited to collaborate. With social media, you create content alone, but on a film set, you’re part of something bigger, and I had been itching for something bigger than me. Everyone plays a role in this giant machine, and I loved learning from everyone—actors, directors, crew members. I was constantly asking questions, probably being a little annoying, but I just wanted to soak it all in. Even just picking their brains and getting a little molecule of their knowledge and just admiring it all.
shirt, and pants by CNG and Hat by Ralph Lauren
“I woke up every day on set excited to collaborate. With social media, you create content alone, but on a film set, you’re part of something bigger.”
pants by Sandro and Glasses by Tiffany & Co.
ANTHONY: That’s amazing. I love how curiosity is such a theme for you. So this is kind of a silly question, but I'm curious, was there a decision behind having a blank profile picture as your TikTok avatar? I think that's so funny coming from you specifically because when I think of TikTok, I feel like you're one of the initial creators. So for you to have a blank profile picture feels a bit comical.
pants by Sandro
BECK: I totally get what you mean. For the longest time, I would say three and a half years until it got taken down, I had one profile picture and I never changed it. It was actually a screenshotted image of Gibby from iCarly, holding the banana with his shirt off.
I had friends growing up that would like to call me Gibby 'cause the actor that plays Gibby, his name is Noah [Munck] actually. So there's a small correlation there. But when I was growing up, at any given moment, I’d find a chance to take my shirt off—for any reason, which is very Gibby. It wasn’t that I was super proud of what I had or anything like that. But living in Arizona, I was just trying to have as many layers on as possible. So I threw that up as my profile picture. At one point it was hit with a community guideline violation and it was removed. I thought no way—I put it back up and it was gone within a few days. I thought—who is not letting me have this? [laughs]. Then I stopped trying, and who knows, I may try it again. But it’s a bit of laziness on my end to be honest. I thought no profile picture will do for now.
shirt, pants, and boots by Thom Browne
ANTHONY: That’s hilarious.
BECK: Give me Gibby or give me nothing [laughs]. It’s a bit of a boycott on my end.
ANTHONY: What’s one thing you learned about yourself this past year?
“Art has pulled me out of tough spots, and I love how it can impact people, whether they’re creating or consuming it.”
BECK: I think you learn a lot about yourself in your twenties. I think living alone in LA can be lonely at times. And I think it's only lonely if you don't enjoy your own company. I think I’ve really learned to enjoy my own company, and keeping myself busy. I have a tight-knit group of friends in LA. I've been very selective and picky with my circle and choosing who I put my energy into and vice versa. I think protecting your peace is a very strong lesson I've learned in this past year, because it helps with everything. I think the more you are selective with where you put your energy, the more energy you'll have to put into the things you enjoy, as opposed to the things that you don't, you know?
shirt, pants, and boots by Thom Browne
ANTHONY: Absolutely. I love that answer– learning to enjoy your own company. That's good.
BECK: You have to, you're stuck with yourself. If you don’t enjoy your own company, no one else will.
ANTHONY: So, some rapid-fire questions: What’s important to you?
BECK: Taking care of the people you love, being kind to yourself, and constantly learning.I think those three things right there can be placed somewhere in your life, no matter who you are.
ANTHONY: Right. No matter where you are.
BECK: Right! No matter what age, no matter where you're at in life, I think you can always apply those three things.
ANTHONY: What do you love? I'm totally going Diane Sawyer on you, but I think it's kind of interesting.
Jacket, tank top, pants, and belt by CNG
BECK: No, I love it, I love it. It's making me think. I'm literally parked in a parking lot right now, [laughs], because I was a little bit away from home and I didn't want to be driving while we talked. I love this. What do I love? It's going to sound kind of corny, but—Art, in all its forms. It can be music, film, or even a painting on a wall. Art has pulled me out of tough spots, and I love how it can impact people, whether they’re creating or consuming it.
ANTHONY: What do you fear?
BECK: I fear being on my deathbed with so many regrets. I fear Regret. I don’t want to reach the end of my life and wish I had done things differently. If I’m going to do something, I want to commit fully.
top and pants by Tommy Hilfiger
top by Tommy Hilfiger
ANTHONY: That’s really insightful. This was such a fun and introspective conversation. I think people are going to resonate with it.
BECK: Likewise! It felt like therapy in the best way.
ANTHONY: That’s the goal! Hopefully, this is something people can look back on in the future and still relate to. Have a great holiday with your family!
BECK: You too! Thanks so much for taking the time.
ANTHONY: Of course! Talk soon.
BECK: Hope so! Peace.
This interview has been edited and condensed