Everyone Loves Matt Sato

With an ear to ear smile, 22-year-old matt sato covers volume 3, exuding the exact boyish charm that’s in place When you’re in his presence. born in haWaii, he carries With him the importance of family and community and strives to let these haWaiian customs guide him everyday.

Words by Dio Anthony Photography by Alex Feggi Grooming by Sonia Lee

DIO ANTHONY: What scared you the most as a child?

MATT SATO: Growing up in Hawaii, the aunties and un- cles would tell stories of “Night Marchers.” If I re- member correctly, Night Marchers are the spirits of ancient Hawaiian warriors who roam the islands at night. I’ll leave you to read the stories yourself!

DIO ANTHONY: What’s your favorite scary movie and why?

MATT SATO: It would be hard to choose but I really love Hereditary! I’m really into psychological horror. I just think they are just perfectly unsettling!

DIO ANTHONY: Did you have any imaginary friends?

MATT SATO: I did not. I wish I did! It would’ve been nice to have a friend with me through the hours of Kumon I endured daily.

DIO ANTHONY: What’re some Mattisms—that those that know you would agree with?

MATT SATO: I shorten words that don’t need short- ening. Some examples: camry - the cam, com- puter - the comp, guitar - the guit. Also, for me, an outfit never feels complete without a hat, even if a hat is completely unnecessary.

DIO ANTHONY: Describe Matt in 5 words.

MATT SATO: I like to think I am... 1. Light Hearted 2. Determined 3. Optimistic 4. Ridiculous 5. Curious


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